Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Public Service Announcement

Disclaimer: Still in a bad mood. Sorry. Edit: Over 30 page views and not a single comment. Speak up.

Apparently I fell asleep today within the last ten minutes of class. And apparently the reaction to such behavior was strong, so I feel the need to say some things about it.
To the World War I group presenting:
I'm terribly sorry for falling asleep during your presentation. If it insulted you, I apologize. Your presentation was very interesting, and I would've loved to enjoy it at maximum alertness. I really enjoyed the format of the powerpoint and your handouts. I think that you really built on what we learned through the previous presentations. I liked how you gave us plenty of quotes for our essays.
To 'half the class':
I was informed that 'half the class' laughed at me for falling asleep. Gee thanks. Like you've never been tired. In addition to being tired, the lighting of the room was not sympathetic to drowsiness and I could not rely on my usual strategies to stay perky. Normally, I would stand up and stretch, but this would've been very disrespectful to the War War I group. Or I would eat some form of candy. However, I ate all the gum and candy I had in my backpack. Interrupting the class to ask for sugar would be quite rude, no? I did not intend to fall asleep. In fact, I was so tired that I didn't even remember falling asleep. Surely some of you have been in this position, given our busy schedules.
To the idea that I fell asleep as a sign of mockery to the World War I group:
That is a retched idea. It is even more shocking that this claim was supported by personal opinions that were rather degrading to the World War I group. As previously said, I truly enjoyed the presentation and physical exhaustion is the sole cause.
To those who think my life is expendable for humor and personal agendas:
Review your actions and mind your own business.

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